Does using delta 8 moon rocks show up on drug tests?

Delta-8 THC is a chemical found in cannabis with effects similar to traditional ones (delta-THC). Because delta-8 THC is similar to delta-9 THC, it can make you feel high and is likely to show up on a drug test.

Does using delta 8 moon rocks show up on drug tests?

Delta-8 THC is a chemical found in cannabis with effects similar to traditional ones (delta-THC). Because delta-8 THC is similar to delta-9 THC, it can make you feel high and is likely to show up on a drug test. However, it's important to understand how drug testing works when it comes to THC. Most people think that the tests look for THC metabolites from Delta 9.Currently, most drug testing is not yet advanced enough.

Instead, drug testing looks for THC metabolites rather than any specific cannabinoid. Delta-8 will appear in a drug test because delta-9 can be found in products with delta-8.While there is a legal loophole surrounding the use of delta-8, it won't help you pass a drug test. So, if you're about to get tested, be sure to stop taking delta-8 for up to 90 days. A common misconception is that drug tests look for THC in the body.

When in reality they only detect by-products that suggest their use. But this isn't always accurate and false positives are common. When Delta 8 THC is used, traces of Delta 9 can be found, as they are composed of similar compounds. Whether you consume THC delta 9 from marijuana or THC delta 8 from hemp, the cannabinoids are metabolized to the same THC metabolites in the body.

A loophole allows retailers to legally sell Delta 8 THC to you, which is psychoactive and slightly less potent than Delta 9 THC. While it's a less potent THC, Delta 8 is still a THC, meaning it stays in the body like any other THC would. Since Delta 8 and 9 THC strains contain similar elements and will continue to be found anyway, there are certain steps you can take to avoid testing positive. If you want to try Delta 8 but want to make sure you don't get dirty in a drug test, this is the guide for you.

If your employer suggests a saliva test, users of THC Delta 8 can approve it if they take it 1 to 5 days after consumption. If Delta 8 THC is part of your diet, whether or not you smoke marijuana, be sure to talk to your employer before getting tested to avoid problems later on. Inform them of the Delta 8 product you want to purchase and try to get confirmation or approval that you can use it beforehand. Delta 8 THC products contain 0.3% THC, which may seem like a small amount that couldn't be detected in a drug test, but that's not true.

Either way, if you're a Delta 8 user and have a drug test coming up soon, it's not the end of the world. Delta-8 THC occurs naturally in hemp in small quantities, but is often synthetically manufactured to mass-produce Delta 8 products. Heavy Delta 8 users should be prepared to falsely test for drugs for 30 to 60 days, sometimes even longer.

Aidan Mumm
Aidan Mumm

Infuriatingly humble tv geek. Subtly charming beer advocate. Lifelong beer aficionado. Passionate pop culture enthusiast. Amateur food maven. Amateur travel specialist.

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